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If you are like us, food is one of our favorite parts of travel and getting to know a country and it’s culture. We may be biased, but we like to say #Mexicanfood is our favorite food. So what better way to start off our time in #PuertoVallarta than with a food tour with some of the local favorites.

There are tons of #foodtours running in Puerto Vallarta and though it is nice at times to just follow a person around to the hidden gems and must-try foods in a city, we like to create our own tours. We get to go at our own pace, throw in some extra stops and experience it as a local would, just walking up to the stand and ordering on our own. So we did some research, found la Zona Romantica was the area to explore and then found “cheap eats” through Trip Advisor and Google, clicked on the highest-ranking ones and pinned them on a map.

If you’re interested in following our route or checking out a couple different places along our route check it out:

This food tour includes seafood tacos, more tacos, tortas, some drinks at our favorite spot and it is ended with our favorite desert in Mexico. We have to change our route a couple times due to some stalls being closed, but that’s part of the adventure here, going with the flow and seeing what works and what doesn’t.

So check it out to get your daily dose of food envy, build a tour around this guide, or to just appreciate Mexican food!

Alternatively, if you are looking to book a food tour, there are plenty running through the city. Our choice would be :

If you have not signed up for Airbnb and are looking to book a place, we would recommend taking advantage of signing up through our referral link below. You can receive $55 in travel credit for your first stay, and we would receive $20 for future stays. It’s a win-win, and we’d appreciate the support!

If you want to travel and teach as we do:
?Work from anywhere you have access to a strong WIFI connection with VIPKID.
VIPKID is an Online English learning platform teaching Chinese children ESL.
Do you fit the requirements?
– Have a Bachelors degree or higher(any major)
– Eligibility to work in the USA or Canada
– At least 1-year teaching experience (homeschooling, mentoring, nannying, babysitting, coaching, teaching)
– Teaching credentials preferred but not required. (for those without a teaching credential, candidates can earn a VIPKID- TESOL Certificate of Completion)

If you want more information you can look through our website to find, send us an email or sign up through the link provided.
Our website:…
Our email:
[email protected]
Our referral link:…


??If you like to have your IP address protected while you travel, or you want to access deals only available from certain locations you’ll need a VPN! We recommend ExpressVPN:…

?Our Social Stuff:
Email: [email protected]

Jo Ann’s Instagram:

Javier’s Instagram:


If you are like us, food is one of our favorite parts of travel and getting to know a country and it's culture. We may be biased, but we like to say #Mexicanfood is our favorite food. So what better way to start off our time in #PuertoVallarta than with a food tour with some of the local favorites.

There are tons of #foodtours running in Puerto Vallarta and though it is nice at times to just follow a person around to the hidden gems and must-try foods in a city, we like to create our own tours. We get to go at our own pace, throw in some extra stops and experience it as a local would, just walking up to the stand and ordering on our own. So we did some research, found la Zona Romantica was the area to explore and then found "cheap eats" through Trip Advisor and Google, clicked on the highest-ranking ones and pinned them on a map.

If you're interested in following our route or checking out a couple different places along our route check it out:

This food tour includes seafood tacos, more tacos, tortas, some drinks at our favorite spot and it is ended with our favorite desert in Mexico. We have to change our route a couple times due to some stalls being closed, but that's part of the adventure here, going with the flow and seeing what works and what doesn't.

So check it out to get your daily dose of food envy, build a tour around this guide, or to just appreciate Mexican food!

Alternatively, if you are looking to book a food tour, there are plenty running through the city. Our choice would be :

If you have not signed up for Airbnb and are looking to book a place, we would recommend taking advantage of signing up through our referral link below. You can receive $55 in travel credit for your first stay, and we would receive $20 for future stays. It's a win-win, and we'd appreciate the support!

If you want to travel and teach as we do:
?Work from anywhere you have access to a strong WIFI connection with VIPKID.
VIPKID is an Online English learning platform teaching Chinese children ESL.
Do you fit the requirements?
- Have a Bachelors degree or higher(any major)
- Eligibility to work in the USA or Canada
- At least 1-year teaching experience (homeschooling, mentoring, nannying, babysitting, coaching, teaching)
- Teaching credentials preferred but not required. (for those without a teaching credential, candidates can earn a VIPKID- TESOL Certificate of Completion)

If you want more information you can look through our website to find, send us an email or sign up through the link provided.
Our website:
Our email:
[email protected]
Our referral link:


??If you like to have your IP address protected while you travel, or you want to access deals only available from certain locations you'll need a VPN! We recommend ExpressVPN:

?Our Social Stuff:
Email: [email protected]

Jo Ann's Instagram:

Javier's Instagram: