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Is Puerto Vallarta cheap? $66,000 Puerto Vallarta condo

Puerto Vallarta is one of Mexico’s most affordable coastal towns, with plenty of pristine beaches and street markets, as well as an old town with a Spanish colonial atmosphere. … This is generally the most affordable area in Puerto Vallarta and, as an added bonus, you’re just minutes away from the main beach.
See other Beach towns to live bucerias real estate, Sayulita, San Pancho

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Our personal story
My wife Lori and myself sold our home and our business in Hawaii and in 2006 we became homeless. Our goal was to travel around the world and “living the good life” are basic philosophy is
Fly First Class but PAY Coach Price ”
.We have enjoy our world tour of 37 countries in the last 25 years. In 2012 we returned back to the big Island of Hawaii and bought a small cottage. For 2 Years we using Hawaii as our home-base.
We now have moved back to Mexico and using Mexico is our home-base as we continue to travel around the world.
We have been asked by our friends to start this YouTube channel blog to share our experience and give some tips on LIVING THE GOOD LIFE

Is Puerto Vallarta cheap? $66,000 Puerto Vallarta condo

Puerto Vallarta is one of Mexico's most affordable coastal towns, with plenty of pristine beaches and street markets, as well as an old town with a Spanish colonial atmosphere. ... This is generally the most affordable area in Puerto Vallarta and, as an added bonus, you're just minutes away from the main beach.
See other Beach towns to live bucerias real estate, Sayulita, San Pancho

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Want to improve your Spanish now? Check out the Travel Spanish Confidence course! Enter code "JERRYBROWNTRAVELS" at checkout to get 5% off:

Our personal story
My wife Lori and myself sold our home and our business in Hawaii and in 2006 we became homeless. Our goal was to travel around the world and "living the good life" are basic philosophy is
Fly First Class but PAY Coach Price "
.We have enjoy our world tour of 37 countries in the last 25 years. In 2012 we returned back to the big Island of Hawaii and bought a small cottage. For 2 Years we using Hawaii as our home-base.
We now have moved back to Mexico and using Mexico is our home-base as we continue to travel around the world.
We have been asked by our friends to start this YouTube channel blog to share our experience and give some tips on LIVING THE GOOD LIFE