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Puerto Vallarta Restaurants: The Famous Pipis Mexican Restaurant located in the heart of Puerto Vallarta. On the corner of Pipila and Guadalupe Sanchez…

Puerto Vallarta Restaurants: The Famous Pipis Mexican Restaurant
located in the heart of Puerto Vallarta. On the corner of Pipila and Guadalupe Sanchez, Pipis is easily found. Simply find a crowd of people listening to live music while they are waiting to eat in the cozy dining room. Pipi's is an excellent value and has a terrific service. There are certainly higher end dining options in PV though, but if you want to feel comforted, this is the place to go! Pipi's has true authentic Mexican food and we don't skimp on the portions. The ambience of the restaurant is fantastic. All bright & colorful. Walls are painted white and with colorful Mexican ornaments hung all around. The music of a Mariachi band plays all night and everyone has a fantastic time. Come and visit us!
"Don't drink the water, drink the margaritas. "
The best Puerto Vallarta Mexican Restaurant to visit.