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What is bedoyecta tri b12 injection shots?

Bedoyecta tri inyecciones is a multivitamin complex that contains B vitamins. Namely: B1 (hydrochloride), B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) and vitamin B12. B vitamins can be taken in different dosage forms – tablets, supplements, and syrups. But the most effective way to take them is through injections.

When is Bedoyecta injection prescribed?

Bedoyecta injection is prescribed for acute B-group avitaminosis. Lack of vitamins: B1, B6 and B12 negatively affects the body. Therefore, Bedoyecta tri effective remedy for the following emerging diseases:

  • neuritis and neuralgia;
  • alcohol and drug addiction;
  • diabetic changes in tissues;
  • nutritional depletion;
  • toxicological poisoning from medications during prolonged intake;
  • encephalopathy;
  • severe degree of avitaminosis;
  • facial nerve palsy;
  • diabetic acidosis;
  • megaloblast anemia;
  • certain mental disorders

Why does the body need B vitamins?

Bedoyecta vitamins help restore the body’s vital processes. B vitamins are important for the body, namely:

  • Vitamin B1 – the process of phosphorylation of this vitamine produces thiamin pyrophosphate and the enzyme carboxylase. This enzyme is involved in carbohydrate metabolism and therefore prevents the excessive accumulation of acidic metabolites (pyruvic acid and lactic acid) and improves nerve-synapse conduction.
  • Vitamin B6 is a coenzyme of proteins and enzymes. Helps the processing of amino acids and the digestion of proteins. Performs in the body such important functions: participation in the synthesis of hemoglobin and in the uniform distribution of glucose among cells, increases metabolism in the body, including brain tissue.

Therefore, Bedoyecta inyecciones effective remedy for the treatment of brain disorders, such as: poor memory, depression, chronic fatigue.

After taking Bedoyecta, the body releases important substances related to B6 activity such as: serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, GABA, melatonin.

Vitamin B12 is an important vitamin for cellular metabolism as well as red blood cell production, neuronal cell development and DNA synthesis. Because of these properties, Bedoyecta B12 is effective for anemia and acute gastrointestinal diseases when its absorption is reduced.

Symptoms of vitamin B deficiency

It is possible to determine the deficiency in the body with the help of laboratory tests, but first it is worth paying attention to the presence of such symptoms:

  • Increased hair loss
  • Broken nails
  • Poor skin condition (dryness, flaking, irritation, rashes)
  • Numbness of hands and feet
  • Impaired body balance
  • Swollen and inflamed tongue
  • Poor memory and hallucinations
  • Severe muscle pain and weakness
  • A depressive state

If you have 4 or more of these symptoms, you may be deficient in B vitamins. It is worth seeing your doctor, and you are more likely to be prescribed Bedoyecta.

“How should I use Bedoyecta injections?”

Bedoyecta injections is available in the form of syringes with disposable needles and is ready to use immediately. Intramuscular injections have to be made. The injections are carried out in the upper quadrant of the greater gluteal muscle.

The dosage of Bedoyecta tri depends on the severity of the vitamin deficiency and the disease caused. On average, 1-2 injections once a week are used. In chronic forms of deficiency, injections should be used only once a month. The drug has a prolonged action, as it gradually accumulates in the body.

If you take Bedoyecta permanently, take care that you always have the drug when you need it, and you take it in time. Buy injectable vitamins at a great price at medicinesmexico, a Mexican pharmacy. B12 shots from Mexico are presented in the best quality.

Recommendations for the introduction of Bedoyecta

For proper and safe Bedoyecta tri administration, follow these guidelines:

  1. Ensure cleanliness: wash your hands with soap and water, and have paper towels ready.
  2. Wipe your skin with alcohol.
  3. To connect the new needle and syringe, gently twist and push.
  4. Press lightly on the syringe to remove the air.
  5. Hold the skin with two fingers, without any sudden movements.
  6. Insert the Bedoyecta at a 90 – degree angle.

Side effects

Side effects are more common after prolonged use for more than 6-12 months and overdose.

Bedoyecta vitamins can cause a variety of side effects

Digestive System Nausea, increased acidity, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain.
Nervous system Sleep disorders, agitation, confusion, tremors, euphoria, anxiety, paresthesia.
Respiratory system Dyspnea, respiratory depression, respiratory arrest.
The circulatory system Tachycardia, bradycardia, heart pain, changes in blood pressure.
Sensory system Eyes: diplopia, conjunctivitis, nystagmus, photophobia, glare in front of eyes.

Skin: rash, itching, acne, urticaria.

Immune system Quince’s edema, anaphylactic shock, increased sweating.


Drug compatibility

Bedoyecta tri inyecciones decrease blood concentrations of phenytonin and phenobarbital. Antagonists are tuberculosis drugs, antihypertensive and antirheumatic drugs, weaken the effects of Bedoyecta.

Do not take the drug with alcohol, oral contraceptives and immunosuppressants, paracetamol, aspirin, ritonavir.


Bedoyecta inyecciones is contraindicated in these cases:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Children under 1 year of age
  • Leber’s disease (optic nerve pathology)
  • Cardiac conduction disorders and heart failure
  • Gastrointestinal ulcers
  • Thromboembolism

Bedoyecta tri is an effective treatment for vitamin B deficiency. The main thing is to use the drug correctly and buy from proven pharmacies where you are sure of the quality.